The National Weight Control
James O. Hill, PhD
James O. Hill, Ph.D. is Professor of Pediatrics and Medicine at the
University of Colorado Health Sciences Center in Denver, Colorado. Dr. Hill also
serves as the Director of the Center for Human Nutrition, a nutrition
center funded by the National Institutes of Health. He holds a B.S.
degree from the University of Tennessee and M.S. and Ph.D. degrees from
the University of New Hampshire in Physiological Psychology.
He has served on numerous government panels, including the National
Institutes of Health (NIH) Taskforce on the Prevention and Treatment of
Obesity. He is a past chair of the NIH Nutrition Study Section.
He served as Chair of the World Health Organization Consultation on
Obesity in 1997. He is a past president of the North American
Association for the Study of Obesity (NASSO) and is a current
regional vice-president of the International Association for the Study
of Obesity (IASO). He was also a member of the Expert Panel on
Obesity of the National Institutes of Health that developed U.S guidelines
for the treatment and prevention of obesity. Dr. Hill has published more
than 200 scientific articles and book chapters in the area of obesity.
His research in the obesity field involves the study of lifestyle factors
that affect body weight regulation. Dr. Hill is co-founder of America on
the Move, a national weight gain prevention initiative that aims to inspire
Americans to make small changes in how much they eat and how much they move
to prevent weight gain. He established The Colorado Weigh, a behavioral
weight management program that is offered to the public.
He is the author of the Step Diet Book, published in June 2004.
Dr. Hill is a co-founder with Dr. Rena Wing of the National Weight
Control Registry. He has received numerous awards including a prestigious
MERIT award from the NIH.